Rabu, 07 Desember 2011

Cinta Dalam Hati - Ungu

Stop! Gosah ngomong kalo ini lagu lama! Gue juga tau!
Tapi gue lagi suka pake bgt lagu ini srkggggggg

Sumpah ini lagu bikin galau abis:'

Just listen to this. 
Tapi inget, sebelum dengerin, siapin satu box tissue ya


Selasa, 06 Desember 2011


Hai u,u Well, cuman sekedar informasi penting aja nih ya. Yah... Dunia harus tau ini!
Gue, Arruum. Gue, Widya. Dan gue, Sari. Kami.... Arruum Widya Sari! *eh

Oke back. 

Gue suka sama........ Bukan cowok ya u,u 
Gue naksir sama STITCH !!!!! mueheuheuheu

*lirik stitch*xoxo

Im30dthhhhh kan diaaa u,u 

Dan di post kali ini, gue cuman mau berakhyal bentar.
Abis gue bosen ngerjain PR mulu-_- wk

Kita mulai~ 

Pertama, gue mau ke sekolah pake sepatu ini 

Terus, gue mau ganti hp gue jadi yang ini 

Gue juga mau kaos ini dums 

Gue mau tiap pagi dibikinin sarapan sama dia 

Dan gosah ribet mikirin jodoh. Gue cuma mau dia selalu ada disamping gue, selalu gendong gue kemana aja gue mau pergi. 

Ok, kayanya gambar yg diatas berlebihan bgt deh wkwkw-_-

Itu aja harapan gue. Semoga Prince Stitch gue cepet dateng. Gue udah capek lama nunggu dia. 
Gue juga capek mikirin dia selama ini, padahal gatau deh dia mikirin gue apa engga selama ini. *eaeaeaeaaaaa #penggalauanmasal 

Just that ;p

Sabtu, 19 November 2011

19 November 2011

Hai fans u,u Udah lama yaw gue ga ngepost Harian gue disini ;p 
Plis jangan kangen. 

K, abaikan itu. 

Hari ini, gue ikut lomba gerak jalan di daerah kopassus. 
Pertama, kumpul dulu jam set 7 di sekolah, karna lomba dimulai jam 7.
Pas gue nyampe, udah ada anak22 termasuk Bu Tri. 

Oke, udah mau jam 7, gue dan anak22 berangkat. 
Naik angkot, dan diangkot kita ada Bu Estonia. 
Pls jgn ngomong kalo dia nyokap gue-_- 

Arrvd di Lapangan lokasi lomba. Dan ternyata kita telat ikut Upacara Pembukaan. 
Lgsg deh kita nyusul upacaranya, dan lanjut ke Senam.

Oh pls ya itu senamnya sekalian bikin gue senam mulut, you know.
Sumpah kocak bgt, sampe tadi gue senam badan plus mulut. Ketawa mulu gue akaka

Senam selesai. Lanjut ke Lomba Gerak Jalannya. 
Seru banget yaw~

Jalan dari sekitar depan SMAN 39 sampe depan Graha, terus balik lg ke lapangan yg depan 39 tadi. Hhh-_-
Capek sih, tp ga berasa kalo bareng-bareng gini, apalagi sambil nyanyi-nyanyi kaya tadi. 
Suara kaya udah di ujung lidah *eh apaan coba-_-
Suara tuh udah serek-serek becek lumpur tanah coklat kena air ujan deres gitu deh.

Tadi nyanyi banyak yel-yel sampe Mars SMPN 223 jg dinyanyiin haha-_- 

Pokoknya seru dewwwh u,u

Abis lomba, pulang sekitar jam 10an. 

Arrvd home. Bosen. Nothing to do banget-_- 

Akhirnya baby sms ngajakin mcD. Yaudah, gue iya-in aja.

Padahal gue gada duit wkw-_- 

Disana cuman beli mcFloat, ngobrol-ngobrol bentar.
Trs lgsg capcus deh ke sekolah. Latihan Paskibra masbroh-_-

Nyampe sekolah telat. Ka Yobi udah dateng-_- 

Latihannya biasa-biasa aja sih dan seperti biasa, banyak bercanda dan ketawa-ketawa gitu. 

Dan tiba-tiba Ka Irawan lewat, dan dia ngeliat gue, gue pun jg ngeliat dia.
Yap, sekejap inget bgt sm Ka Farrel. 
Karna... you know lah, muka dia mirip bgt sama Ka Farrel-_- Aw;3 

Pas malem-malemnya, Ka Irwan sms, bilang knp latihan paskibra ketawa-ketawa gitu?
Katanya kalo dia jd pelatihnya, bakal dihukum kalo bercanda gitu. 
Yak, gue sebagai sekretaris Paskibra gaterima bgt-_- 
Gue bawelin gue bacotin deh noh Ka Irwannya-_- wkw

Tbtb pas Ka Irwan nyuruh gue tidur, gue lgsg ngantuk beneran-_-
Entah mantra apa yg dia bilang knp gue bisa jadi ngantuk beneran gini. 

Dan yaaaaap, gue pun selesai menulis post kali ini. 
Keep read and............... The end. 

Bye ;-)

Kamis, 17 November 2011

Rambut Sehat

Bukan hanya perempuan yang menjadikan rambut sebagai mahkotanya. Kaum lelaki pun mulai risau saat kebotakan dan uban menyerang. 

Jangan risau akan hal ini karena masih bisa dicegah dengan cara memelihara rambut secara intensif dan benar sejak dini untuk memperlambat proses timbulnya uban dan rontoknya rambut secara abnormal. 

1. Memelihara kadar minyak alami yang terdapat di kulit kepala.
Kadar minyak yang berlebihan hanya akan menghambat saluran minyak menuju folikel. Sementara, kadar minyak alami yang terlalu sedikit akan menyebabkan kulit kepala Anda menjadi terlalu kering.
Jadi supaya kadar minyak kulit kepala tetap terjaga, Anda sebaiknya mengetahui jenis shampo yang tepat dan sesuai dengan kondisi rambut dan kulit kepala Anda. 

2. Mencoba terapi pemijitan kulit kepala seperti hair spa atau creambath sebagai alternatif lain agar rambut lebih sehat.
Terapi ini konon akan memperlambat proses timbulnya uban dan kerontokan rambut yang berlebihan. Terapi tradisional dengan bahan alami, seperti lidah buaya, merang, maupun ginseng juga sangat diperlukan dalam mencegah kerontokan dan tumbuhnya uban lebih awal. 

3. Pola makan bergizi juga penting untuk menjamin pemenuhan gizi tepat untuk kesehatan rambut.
Beberapa zat gizi yang penting diperhatikan untuk mendapatkan rambut yang sehat dan kuat, antara lain adalah protein, vitamin A, vitamin B kompleks (vitamin B2, vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, biotin, asam folat), zink, zat besi, copper, iodine, dan inositol.
Aneka vitamin dapat membantu menjaga kesuburan rambut, seperti halnya vitamin A yang dapat membantu menjaga kesehatan kulit kepala, vitamin B kompleks untuk melancarkan produksi minyak guna menjaga kesehatan dan kelembaban rambut, serta vitamin B kompleks yang konon mampu menghambat pertumbuhan uban. 

4. Perbanyak juga konsumsi air putih minimal 2 liter per hari untuk membantu proses penundaan kerusakan rambut.

sumber : http://www.dechacare.com

Minggu, 03 April 2011

Sweet Quotes ^^

0001. I’ll reach for your hand in the cold of winter, I’ll reach for your hand in the heat of summer. But if my short life can’t reach the dawn of spring, I promise, in heaven, I’ll reach you with my wings.

0002. If you hide, I’ll seek for you. If you’re lost, I’ll search for you. If you leave, I’ll wait for you. If they try to take you away from me, I’ll fight for you. Cause I never want to lose someone I love.

0003. I know your life can go on without me, that you can be happy without me, that you can survive without me. But even if you turn me away, I will still choose to stay with you and be your sweetest stranger forever.

0004. I don’t know why I keep on loving you despite the fact that I’ll get hurt again just like before. I never learn cause I don’t want to. Not now when I’m still strong to fall for you over and over again.

0005. If someone would ask me what a beautiful life means, I would lean my head on your shoulder, hold you close to me and answer with a smile, “Like this.”

0006. There’s a love that only you can give, a smile that only your lips can show, a twinkle that can only be seen in your eyes and my life that only you can complete.

0007. You’re one of the people I never asked from God but still, He gave you to me. I asked Him why, He said, “Because he can fill your life like no one else can.”

0008. If I can just make everything fall where it should be, I would. If I could make life better for you, I would. But I can’t. All I can do is to let you know that mine has been better because of you.

0009. When I say I love you, please believe it’s true. When I say forever, know I’ll never leave you. When I say goodbye, promise me you won’t cry. Cause the day I’ll be saying that would be the day I die.

0010. Death scares the hell out of me. I don’t wanna die knowing that you’ll cry over me but if death means watching over you and being with you, I might as well take my life just for you.

0011. Would you believe me if I tell you that I love you so much? Actually, I’d prefer it if you won’t. Why? So that I can spend the rest of my life proving to you how much I do.

0012. We spend most of our time talking about nothing but I just want to let you know that all these nothings mean so much more to me than so many somethings.

0013. I asked God why life’s like this. He gave me no answer. I asked why I’m still here. Again, He gave me no answer. I asked why I met you. He smiled and said, “So there’d be a reason for everything else.”

0014. Someone told me that there really is such thing as magic. I never believed in that till I saw your smile and felt your touch. Then I realized you’re the only magical thing on earth who could turn this world into paradise.

0015. I promise to be there when you need me, I promise to hug you tight when you’re lonely, I promise to wipe your tears when they fall and I promise to keep you, not for the rest of my life but for the rest of yours.

0016. I don’t regret the rain or the nights I felt the pain or the tears I had to cry some of those times along the way. For every road I had to take, every time my heart would break, it was just something I had to do to get me to you.

0017. I miss you when there’s no reason to, how much more if there was? I miss you when we talk, how much more if we don’t? I miss you after we’re together, how much more if I see you never? I love you now, how much more later?

0018. If lightning strikes, I’d cover my heart so when it hits me, I’d fall happily knowing I protected you. Cause I spared the place where you have always been.

0019. I’d rather be blind than not see you. I’d rather be deaf than not hear from you. I’d rather lose my voice than not say this to you, that I’d rather lose my heart than not love you.

0020. When I go to heaven and you’re not there, I’ll wait for you by the golden stair. If you’re not there by judgement day, I know you went the other way. And to prove my love is true, I’d go to hell to be with you.

0021. I have searched in places, I’ve waited for years, I’ve taken all the chances, I’ve cried so many tears, I’ve seen so many faces, I’ve hid a lot of fears until my heart stopped searching cause you’re already here.

0022. You are the reason why even at the saddest part of my life, I smile. Even at confusion, I understand. Even in betrayal, I trust. Even in fear of pain, I love.

0023. I’m holding on to the thought that you’re not mine. I’m going to look you in the eye, smile and say, “You’re not mine.” Then I’ll walk away, turn around at the last moment and say, “But I wish you were.”

0024. When I look at the world and there’s so much pain and anger, mistakes and failures, I just look at the sky and think God’s still good cause he gave me someone like you that tells me, “Angels are still around.”

0025. Everytime you cry a tear, my heart cries along. But you’ll never know cause I wouldn’t tell. Everytime you’re hurt, I’m hurt too. Cause that’s what love is for and I love you.

0026. It would be the loneliest feeling standing cold under the rain all alone. But if you were there hugging me tight, just right there by my side, then I hope it rains for the rest of my life.

0027. H-R-T? What would you add to these letters? EA or U? EA you get heart, U you get hurt. Now, what would you pick? Well, I would pick U because it’s better to get hurt than have a heart without U.

0028. Within you, I lost myself. Without you, I found myself wanting to be lost again.

0029. Why do I text you? It’s my choice. It’s my way of saying I remember you. Why do I remember you? It’s my choice. It proves that I care. Why do I care? I don’t know. It’s not my choice but my heart’s.

0030. If you think I’m looking at you, staring at you or giving you the eye, I am because I’m trying to see if you have wings. My mother told me all angels have them.

0031. I never intended to be the most important person in your life, that’s just too much to ask. But I do hope that I’d cross your mind and you’d smile thinking that I touched your life in a special way.

0032. We came together underneath the stars above. What started out as liking soon turned into love. I sensed a certain something in my heart that was true. I know I waited all my life to fall in love with you.

0033. If I’ll die tom, you know what I’ll do? I’d spend 23 hours with you. You may ask and think about the last hour. You know what? I’d spend it looking for a person who will love you the way I do.

0034. The reason why I met you is destiny but if destiny will suggest that I live without you, I’ll live not by destiny but of free will.

0035. Don’t stop your tears from falling, I’m here to wipe them dry, here to stop the hurting whenever someone says goodbye. I may not be the person to make the hurting end but I’d do anything to never see you hurt again.

0036. I don’t need someone who’ll just be there, I need someone who’ll be there holding me and sincerely caring for me till God takes my last breath. So do I make sense if I tell you I need you?

0037. If goodbye will be the last word I have to say before I die, I wouldn’t let it be spoken. I’d rather die than to say goodbye to a person that I don’t want to give up even after eternal life.

0038. When everything seems to be unfair, when all that you do is not appreciated, I’ll take your hand, wipe away your tears, take you for a walk and remind you how special you are. If not for them, for me.

0039. I wish I could be with you every night, watch you fall asleep and kiss you goodnight. When I get to heaven, I know just what to do. I’ll spend eternity watching over you.

0040. I asked a friend what love is, he told me it’s when you can’t stop thinking of him and when the thought of him makes you smile. When I met you, I told myself, “This must be it.”

0041. So many of us either fear tomorrow or regret yesterday. Me? I won’t fear tomorrow if I’d get to be with you. And I don’t regret yesterday cause one yesterday, I met you.

0042. If I were deaf, I’ll hear your laughter through your smile. If I were mute, I’ll speak to you through your eyes. If I were blind, I’ll see you through your touch. I can live without my senses but life won’t make sense without you.

0043. I’ll walk with you through the desert heat, I’ll climb the mountain’s highest peak, I’ll swim forever in the deepest sea just to prove to you that you mean life to me.

0044. One day, we might forget the people that once came to our lives. But I know that when that day comes, I won’t forget you. Cause you didn’t just come into my life, you became a part of it.

0045. I often catch myself constantly wondering how you are, sitting alone with my mind set so far, reminiscing about your smile, your voice and touch. Damn this life! I’m missing you too much.

0046. Cookie Monster said, “Sometimes me think what is love. And then me think love is what last chocolate cookie is for. Me give up the last chocolate cookie for you.”

0047. One day you’ll ask me which is more important to me, you or my life. I’ll say, “Of course, my life.” And you’ll go and walk away without even knowing that you are my life.

0048. When I was walking alone, I wished that I can reach the end of the road. But when you walked with me, I wished the road would never end because I would rather be lost with you than reach the end without you.

0049. I had a bad dream. They cut off my feet, I crawled towards you. They ripped my tongue, I cried in pain for your name. They took my heart away and I died. But my love for you remained.

0050. You’re all I need beside me, girl. You’re all I need to turn my world. You’re all I need inside my heart. You’re all I need when we’re apart. All I need is you to believe all that I need is you.

0051. If you’re leaving, take me with you. If you’re running away, take me too. If you’re jumping off, hold my hand as you do. I love life but it’s worth losing if I lose it with you.

0052. I want to scream, I want to shout, I want to have faith and never doubt. I want to bend, I want to break, to sleep and never wake, to break down walls and to escape, be alone and hide my face. I want to feel, I want to touch, I want to stop wanting you so much.

0053. It’s not true that the perception of an angel is someone who wears white dress and with wings. Instead, they look exactly like us. If you don’t want to believe me, look in front of a mirror and there, you’ll see my angel.

0054. Need I say I care when you see I really do? Need I say I love you when life to me is you? Need I say I need you when I mean everything I do? Need I say the words? Just tell me and I’d say them all for you.

0055. If there will be a time you think you miss me, don’t think about it. Instead, try to feel it with your heart. You’ll find out that you don’t miss me at all. Cause you’ll know better, that I never left you.

0056. I love you but you make me cry, you hurt me and make me feel stupid. But you know why I hold on? Cause I know I’ll be crying harder, get hurt even more and feel dumber if I ever let you go.

0057. God asked me if I were to live again what would I be. I told him I want to be an angel to guide you. He said, “But you don’t have to guide another angel.” I then answered, “Well, I can love one.”

0058. I don’t want to put on my mind that someday, I’d have to see you walking away from me. But before it happens, I just want to clarify something. You may go. But I’ve got no reason not to follow.

0059. I wish you were with me so I can tell you directly how much you mean to me. I’ll hold you tight and hug you near my heart so that you can hear what it’s trying to whisper, “You’re the reason why I’m beating.”

0060. To love is nothing. To be loved is something. To love and be loved is everything. I am nothing, you're something so let me be your everything.

0061. Let the world fall into pieces tomorrow, let the planets collide and the stars come tumbling down. I don’t need another day now that my dream has come true. Lucky me, now I have you.

0062. An angel asked me a while ago to give him one good reason why I love you so much. I smiled and said, “Because there’s no reason not to.”

0063. If I count how many times you’ve crossed my mind in my entire life, I’d be lying if I say it was too many. Cause you only crossed my mind once. Why? Cause you never left it!

0064. If I could reach up and hold a star for everytime you’ve made me smile, the entire evening sky would be in the palm of my hand.

0065. We may not be lovers kissing each other, holding hands, exchanging I love you’s. I may not be your girl but one thing’s for sure, that when I find someone like you, I’ll marry him.

0066. The only way to know that someone truly loves you is when after you’ve turned him down, you see him rise from the fall, walk up to you and say, “I love you more now than I ever did before.”

0067. Who would have thought that you were once just a stranger who used to pass me by without even saying hi, when now you’re someone with whom I share the best moments of my life?

0068. I had a dream last night. You were there. I tried to hide you but they came to take you away. I tried to wake myself up to stop the pain, I never did. But I want you to know, I died fighting.

0069. I saw you in a crowd, my eyes were set on you. It was like no one else was there, just us two. Could I be dreaming, could all these be real? Am I really feeling what I’m not supposed to feel? I can’t believe it, could this be true? Could this be that I’m falling for you?

0070. Never lose hope on the person you have chosen to love. If he would always be the reason why your heart aches, who cares? He’d still be the very reason why your heart beats anyway.

0071. If my heart breaks into a million pieces, I want you to have every bit of it. Then I’ll ask you to scatter them across the sky. There they’ll turn into stars so everyone could see how much I love you.

0072. To love is something I was afraid to do but there is something different about you. You made me do something I swore not to do. You made me fall in love with you.

0073. If you ask me how much I love you, I won’t say anything. I’ll just take your hand, fill the gaps between your fingers and hold on to you until all your doubts are gone.

0074. You think I’m strong? Well, though I seem to be tough, I’m afraid of one thing. It’s realizing that I’ve lost the person whom I gather strength from. So don’t ever go. I’m not that strong.

0075. If ever I was given the chance to start my life all over again, I would rather not accept it. Why not? Who knows? In that second start, I may not have known you at all.

0076. I would like to invite you to my wedding. It’s the day I’ve been dreaming of my whole life. Please come. You don’t have to bring a gift. All you have to do is walk down the aisle with me and say, “Yes, Father. I do.”

0077. I’ve honestly tried to let you go, I’ve honestly tried to forget you, I’ve honestly tried not to think of you but I honestly can’t cause I honestly don’t want to.

0078. Lead me not into temptation. Heaven, help me to be strong. I can’t fight all that I'm feeling and I can’t do it alone. Help me break this spell that I’m under, guide my feet and hold me tight. I need her as my angel to watch over me tonight.

0079. If I tell you I love you, you’ll think I’m lying. But I’d rather tell you I love you and let you think that I’m lying than to say I don’t love you and know, for a fact, that I’m lying.

0080. I’m afraid to close my eyes cause I might think of you. I’m afraid to open them cause I might see you. I’m afraid to move my lips cause I might speak of you. I’m afraid to listen cause I might hear my heart falling for you.

0081. I’m so shy to tell you this, that I’m so in love with you. I’ll not ask for anything else but for this one thing. Remember, this is not just a quote.

0082. If you find yourself in a dark room, walls around you are red and blood comes from everywhere, don’t be scared. You’re inside my heart.

0083. Sometimes, it’s hard to find words to tell you how much you mean to me. A lot of times, I don’t say anything at all. But I hope someday, you’ll understand, having you is what I live for.

0084. Life is not a series of meaningless accidents. When things are bound to happen, they surely will. You are not an accident and I was meant to know you. That’s serendipity.

0085. One night, the moon said to me, “If he makes you cry, why don’t you leave him?” I looked at the moon and said, “Moon, would you ever leave your sky?”

0086. If kisses were stars, I’d give you the sky. If touches were tears, I would cry. If love was water, I’d give you the sea. And be with you for all eternity.

0087. It’s a sweet thing for a guy to say, “I love you” even though he doesn’t mean it. However, the sweetest thing he can say is, “I don’t love you” when he is crying inside.

0088. I have smiled to many people for more than a billion times but when I first saw you, my heart took over and smiled for the first time.

0089. Peterpan came one night and invited me to Neverland where I can never grow old. I was about to go but I refused cause I thought of something better to do. That is to grow old with you.

0090. Walking under the rain feels so lonely and cold. But if you were there beside me to share the warmth of your love then I would want to stay under the rain for the rest of my life.

0091. The greatest view: Standing along a coast of a clear beach, sunset making the skies orange with violet from above the horizon, partly stormy. The best part? You were standing beside me.

0092. If you were a wound inside my heart, I’d rather leave it there with all the pain locked inside than leave it without a trace of you.

0093. I’ve always been told to share my blessings and I’ve been generous. But when I met you, I said to myself, “What the heck? You’re one of the few blessings I don’t wanna share with anyone else.”

0094. I may not get to see you as often as I like, I may not get to hold you in my arms all through the night. But deep in my heart, I truly know, you're the one that I love and I can’t let you go.

0095. Each time I miss you, a star falls down from the sky. So if you look up and find it dark, it is all your fault. You made me miss you too much!

0096. I want to be with you forever so that I can love you in a way that no one else can and care for you in a manner that only I would. But they broke my heart when they said forever isn’t true. Can we prove them wrong by working on forever, just me and you?

0097. You see, I’m not an angel though I wanted to be. I’ve hurt so many people just by being me. But you, a stranger, who passed by me, became an angel in my heart where no one can see.

0098. I never knew you until I did. And when I finally did, you were like someone I’ve known for a very long time. I then remembered, you are the one my heart has been talking about.

0099. I was sent here by God to watch over you but I fell and broke my wings. You helped me up and now I’m your angel with broken wings, unable to leave your side for I have fallen for you.

0100. If there’s one thing I would ask God before I leave the world right now, there’s nothing more I would wish for than to have a glimpse of you and hear your voice before the last beat of my heart.

Sabtu, 02 April 2011

Photoshoot-ing w/ my best

Web-cam ing with Alya! :D 

Say it with Cornetto :O 
(soalnya webcamannya sambil makan cornetto :p) 

Edited :

Love you best :* 

Cara Membuat Sidebar Twitter Transparan ;)

Pertama: Login ke twitter dan buka menu setting, terus design. Ato bisa juga http://twitter.com/settings/design
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Ketiga: Buka http://www.twitter.com/settings/design tadi, terus http://www.twitter.com/settings/designya dihapus dan diganti sama kode diatas tadi 

terus di Enter aja deh.
Keempat: Liat apa ada message kaya ini ato enggak, untuk ngebuktiin berhasil apa kaga:

SELESAI! Lo bisa liat perubahannya di halaman Profile. Jangan lupa klik'Save Changes'! Kalo ga di klik ga bakal jadi jadi ini sidebar transparan :P

Nah, kalo nanti lo pengen sidebar lo normal lagi, login ke halaman design lagi terus pilih "
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SM*SH Senyum Semangat at Panasonic Gobel Awards 25 Mar 2011

Minggu, 27 Maret 2011

Some my editing photos~

Haiiii^^  Gue abis ngedit-ngedit foto loooh~ ini hasilnya :) 

Wdyt guys? Leave your comments ;) 

My Sweet 14 bornday^^

Hellooooo!! Gue lagi seneng nih :P wahaha

Hari ini bornday gue yang ke 14 ;) hoho. 
Say goodbye to 13 y.o and say welcome to my 14 y.o ~~~~~

Gatau kenapa rasanya gimana giduuuuu .__. hoho

Nih yaa, semalem jam 9an, Raysha ngucapin "Happy Birthday" ke gue. Katanya, dia udah ngantuk buat nunggu sampe jam 12 nanti haha. Gapapalah. Yang penting do'a nya ;) 

Nah, terus jam 2an gue bangun gatau kenapa. Gue cek hp, terus ada sms dari Nizar.
Dia ngucapin jam 00:00:25! Good joooob bangeeett :'D haha 

Terus gue tidur lagi dan bangun jam setengah 6an. Pas gue turun ke ruang TV, papa sama mama langsung ngucapin "Selamat UlangTahun" gituuu. terus cium pipi kiri pipi kanan ^^
Aduuuuh, itu sweet moment banget yaAllah :') 
Abis itu, mama sama adek gue ngasih kado^^ hoho. Kaya anak kecil aja ya gue masih dikasih kado ^^ wehehe. Gue buka deh kadonya, dari Amel, adek gue, gue dapet dompet warna item pink hello kitty^^ totwiiiit banget~ haha. Terus kado dari mama, Tas pergi dan itu stylelish banget deh :D hoho. warna biru tua sama putih ada pitanya gede banget didepannya~ unyuuuu
Kalo dari papa, kemaren udah beli sepatu pergi warna biru jugaa~ hoho. ada pitanya juga :p waka

Setelah gue buka kado, gue ke kamar. Cek hp lagi dan ada banyak banget sms yang ngucapin HB ke gue :') Muah muah muah banget buat temen-temen guaaaaa :*

Dan sekarang juga wall fb gue penuh dengan wallpost friends fb gue yang ngucapin ;) 

Thank you so much banget yaa buat yang udah ngucapin ke guee :'D 

Sabtu, 26 Maret 2011

Earth Hour 2011 Official video

Today, 26 Maret 2011 ~~

Hallooooo! Aku kembaliiiiii~ Ada yang kangen? *krik krik* aaah -_- 

Akunyah mau cerita tentang hari ini yang asli capek bangeeee-_-
Hari ini, tadi jam set 10 ada tes lari di GT. 
Pak Hengky sih bilangnya lempar lembing, tapi jadinya lari lagi deeeh :/ 

Lari 400 meter.... -_- hohoho sadaaaaapp! 
kelompok gue yang beranggotakan gue, prima, salmaa, dan monic dapet urutan ke 3. gapapalah :)

Abis lari 400 meter, lari lagi. ulangin yaa pake capslock LARI LAGEEEEEE!! ah lebay ah gua-_- 
lari setengah lapangan (200 meter). Dan itu juga dapet urutan ke 3. yaAllah jodoh amet yak gue ama nomer 3 -__- ckck

Udah deh seleseeee :D (yeaaaay!) wahahaha.

dari GT, gue langsung latihan paskib di sekolah. Latihan paskibra jam 13.00 tapi gue nyampe sekolah jam 12.00. Dewaaaaaa~! 

Yaudah kan tuh, nunggu-nunggu gicuuu di sekulaaa~

sampe jam 1an gitu, kak Yobi, pelatih paskibra udah dateng.
Udah deh, latihan paskib. Materinya.... Latihan gerak jalan. Yeaaah~ 

Pulang paskibra, gue cabut ke habitat gue diatas sana yang tenang, di sisi Tuhan Yang Maha Esa (?!) amit-amit yaAllaaaah! Aku masih sayang sama semesta ini *eaeaea

Wahahahaha. Wohohoho. Wuhuhuhuuuuu~~~~~~ 

Okey. Just that for today ;) Thanks for reading this guys :) muah 

Jumat, 25 Maret 2011

210311 muah bangeeeet!!

Hello guysssss!! eet et eeeett, Guys? bahasa apaan itu? *buka kamus* #skipya!

EhTauGakSihLooooo?!?!?!! Gue juga gak tau. Jadi, ada yang tau? *krik krik krik* 

To the point aja deh, gue mau cerita, kalo gue baru jadiaaaaan!! Ya Jadian! U,u
Samaa? Sama sahabat cewek gue :P gue ulangin lagi ya SAHABAT CEWEK GUE!! :D 
wakakaka. muahahaha. wahahaha. hohohohoho. Oke berlebihan. 

Nih yaa, sahabat cewek gue itu tuuuh, namanya Alvi :) Lebih tepatnya Alvi Noviyenti Ramadhani :D
Dia cantik, baik, pinter, ramah, asik, seru, oooh segalanya deh diaaa :p waka

Dia, Alvi, jadian sama anak baru di kelas gue, namanya Irgie, lebih tepatnya Irgie Si Tuan Anjol.
Eh salah deng, maksudnya Irgie Naufal Fahrezi bin Anjol. Eh gapake anjol deenggg :p wakaka. lagian Irgie sering ngmong2 anjol gajelas di kelas -_- 

Sipsip, back to Alvi! Alvi jadian sama Irgie tanggal 19 Maret 2011 jam 8 tepat! haha gue buka aibnya si Alvi masa ;p ampun Tuhaaan .___.V hoho

Naaaah, pas tanggal 21 Maret 2011 nya, Alvi jadian lagi. HA??! JADIAN LAGI??!!?! 
Iyaaaa! Sama gueee :P :P muahahaha. tanggal 21 gitu loooh. :P kaya bioskop ajaa :p wk

Abis itu kan yaak, relationship status fb gue sama Alvi :D hoho. Anniv nya tanggal 21 Maret 2011 :D :D hohoho

Aneh : Yang jadian Alvi sama Irgie, tapi relationshipnya Alvi sama gue :p muahahaha 
bomat ah, penting idup. anjoool. (iyaloh kata2 anak2 8D semua itu haha) 

Yang penting kan gue sama Alvi nyaaaa :D wohoooo~ 21 Maret 2011 :D *dancing*

Okeeey, just that! Byeeeeee :* Keep reading yaawh-_- :D 

Rabu, 16 Maret 2011

140311 - 170311 -.-

Hello, hellooooo :D Baby you called. I can't hear a thing. #oke kacau malah nyanyi -.- 

Hollaaaaaaaah! :D Gile udah berapa abad gue ga buka blog (Rruum... -_-) haha. 
Oke, sekarang gue pulang ke habitat gue, ya disini, di Dunia Internet bersama kaliaaan (ApabangetsihArruumih-_-) 

Okeoke, back to the topic! #eaeaea

Tanggal 14 Maret 2011 sampe 17 Maret 2011 (EH BENTAR LAGI GUE ULTAH LOH TERNYATA!!!) #OKE ARRUUM GA USAH BAHAS ITU! sip! 

Ulangi yaaa, Tanggal 14 Maret 2011 sampe 17 Maret 2011 kelas 7 dan 8 libur, sekali lagi gue ulangin LIBUR!! anjooool :p :p wkwk

HOHOHEHE banget :p wakaka 

Kita mulai dari Hari Senin, 14 Maret 2011. 

Hari Senin hari libur pertama buat kelas 7 dan 8, dan hari senin itu juga adalah hari pertama kelas 9 Ulangan Akhir Sekolah (UAS). Good Luck yaa buat kakak kakak :D 
Nah, garagara bosen di rumah gak ngapa-ngapain, dan nanti jam set 2nya mau bimbel, nah...
Nah.... nah... (sange sama kata NAH -.- okerandombangetinikatakatasangenya:O.) 
Nah...... gue kaburrrrr.. kabur ke rumahnya Alvi :D wakaka. 
Pas nyampe rumah Alvi, taugaksihlo! ALVINYA BELOM MANDI unyu -__________-
Yaudah, Hal pertama yang gue lakukan di rumah alvi ya... nungguin alvi mandi dulu -_- zzah
Eeeeh, tbtb si Baby dateng :D muahaha. Abis Baby, si Prima deh yang datengggg :D 
What the Heaven banget deh hari ituuuuu :D hohohaha 
Jam set 2nya gue bimbel deh sama Baby Prima. Eeeeeh, pulang bimbel cabut lagi ke rumah Alvi, wkwkwkwk. Pulangnya sekitar jam 5an haha

Sekarang, Hari Selasa, 15 Maret 2011

Hari Selasa, kita Rapat OSIS :D dimana? Di RUMAH ALVI LAGEEEE!!! 
YaTuhan, Rumahnya Alvi tempat wisata banget ya hahaha :p 
Rapatnya membahas.... oke, itu rahasia perusahaan (???) Alias rahasia Anakanak OSIS ._.v
Rapatnya rame banget haha. Apalagi si Satya sama Salmaa, selalu debat hal yang selepe alias sepele. 

Nah, Hari Rabu, 16 Maret 2011.

Kalo hari ini di bilang seru iya, di bilang nyebelin juga iya :p zzzz ah =.= 
Nih yaa, hari rabu itu, gue salmaa nizar satya ke Sevel Tebet buat ketemuan sama Ka Izul buat bikin Proposal. Itu yang seru, yang nyebelinnya yang pas pulang, nyari Taxi Gamya SUSAHNYA SETENGAH IDUP eh salah SETENGAH MATI -__________- pulangnya kemana? KE RUMAHNYA ALVI LAGIIIIIII !! Ha-Ha-Ha. Disana ngapain? MAIN PS SAMA MAKAN DOANG! hahaha :p engga juga sih sama ngetik proposalnya :p muahahaha 
Pulangnya gue ke LIA. Ngapain? ORAL TEST MAMEEEEEEENN -___- 
Aduhahaha pasrah banget sama nilai nya! 

Yang terakhir, Kamis, 17 Maret 2011. 

Hari Kamis ga kemanamana, ga ke rumah alvi juga haha kangen banget sama diaaaaaa :((
miccu alviii :* okeoke back to topic~ eaeaea
Aktivitas cuman on twitter on fb on blog dan udah ituitu ajaaaa -.- 
Auah, penting idup :p wakakaka 

Okeokeeee, besok masuk sekolah -.- eyaloh nanggung amet besok masuk. 
Hari kecepit itooooooo zzz ah -.- kenapa gak libur aja bu pak? #maksa haha 

Yaudah, udah ya soalnya udah ada kata 'yaudah'. sip! gue stress u.u 

Okeoke, GoodByeeeee! :D muah muah

Kamis, 24 Februari 2011

Yang Terbaik Untukmu (Jangan Lupakan Ayah) =D

Teringat masa kecilku kau peluk dan kau manja
Indahnya saat itu buatku melambung
Disisimu terngiang hangat napas segar harum tubuhmu
Kau tuturkan segala mimpi-mimpi serta harapanmu

Kau inginku menjadi yang terbaik bagimu
Patuhi perintahmu jauhkan godaan
Yang mungkin ku lakukan dalam waktu ku beranjak dewasa
Jangan sampai membuatku terbelenggu jatuh dan terinjak

Tuhan tolonglah sampaikan sejuta sayangku untuknya
Ku terus berjanji tak kan khianati pintanya
Ayah dengarlah betapa sesungguhnya ku mencintaimu
Kan ku buktikan ku mampu penuh maumu

Andaikan detik itu kan bergulir kembali
Ku rindukan suasana basuh jiwaku
Membahagiakan aku yang haus akan kasih dan sayangmu
Tuk wujudkan segala sesuatu yang pernah terlewati

Kembali ke: Reff